About Me

 I left university to import and distribute antique British oils in 1972. With an Irish partner we handled over 1000 paintings until I went back to OSU earning a B.A. under Dr. Walter Liedke,  the Vermeer expert. I was fortunate to train under Ivo Kirschen for two years selling millions of dollars worth of etchings and  lithographs of the greatest printmakers from Rembrandt to Picasso and Chagall.  I joined Sam Stein in 1979 , leaders in the works of Miro, Calder, Wesselmann, Jenkins and others.  In this enviroment, it seemed like art appraisers and dealers  called me every week for pricing help,  and eventually I moved into appraising almost exclusively.                                    

   I also enjoy art lighting and  installation, which is where I get to be a little creative.  I started painting  abstracts during the  shut down .